Our Services
We offer a full range of services that only have one thing in common. They all help to make sure your project is built and started up smoothly so that you can reach the financial return that was modeled as quickly as possible.
Click on any of our offered services to read more details:
It can be tempting to avoid engineering until after financial close, but it's a huge mistake. Nothing is more important to project execution than defining the scope to avoid surprises. The only way to eliminate surprise costs and schedule delays is to understand what could trip you up before you get there.
Our team can develop a full front-end engineering design (FEED) package starting with a technology review and material balance. We'll work through equipment selection, preliminary layouts and process definition and then sit down with your team to collaboratively address any roadblocks we've identified.
We complete the FEED effort by generating sufficient civil, structural, piping and instrumentation deliverables to ensure your EPC pricing is accurate and complete.
When your contractor attempts to build without sufficient engineering deliverables they have to choose one of two paths. They can stop and ask questions which delays your project startup or they can guess what is right which risks your future operation.
A comprehensive design package for your project ensures the quickest startup and the best performing operation.
Our multi-discipline team can deliver architectural, structural, mechanical, process, electrical, instrumentation and automation deliverables.
We execute small projects to large projects, all disciplines or just the ones you select. We are structured to adjust to your needs and make your project a success.
So you've found that right project and you're ready to invest? Everything pencils out and the returns look great, but is the project schedule realistic or based on a little too much optimism? Maybe the production rate doesn't match a realistic startup or the EPC bid is based on a list of assumptions no project ever achieves.
Let someone who knows the gory details of what it takes to design, build, startup and operate a facility take a look. We can temper the overly-optimistic plans most projects start with and provide both a likely and a downside case to be evaluated.
Our team will perform documentation reviews that cover technical, commercial, financial and project execution documentation. We'll assess both the current project state as well as the viability of the project to move forward. The best part is our team of project experts will offer guidance on a path forward regardless of what we find.
First impressions matter. One mistake you never want to make as a developer is taking a great project out and searching for financing too early. The firms you reach out to are going to dig deep to evaluate your project
You've got a great idea and it's time to bring it to life. You've got feedstock ironed out and an offtake agreement that will make you the envy of the industry. Let us make sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. We'll review everything your development team has pulled together and make sure it's ready for diligence.
Our team will perform documentation reviews that cover technical, commercial, financial and project execution documentation. We'll assess both the current project state as well as the viability of the project to move forward. When we're done we'll not only offer our advice on a path forward, but we'll provide you a report that can really help put your project at the top of the stack with the finance parties you're reaching out to.
Having a qualified team isn't enough to execute challenging projects. You need someone setting direction, monitoring progress and adjusting the plan in real-time. As a developer, it can be easy to fall into the trap of being your own project manager - but resist that urge.
Our expert project managers have managed billions of dollars of capital investment across industries as diverse as specialty chemicals, forest products and mining and metals. They've earned battle scars through experience that help them identify issues before they become problems. By relying on a professional project management team, you give your project the best chance of meeting your modeled returns.
We offer project management support services in full or a la carte. Our project managers are experts at execution planning, risk analysis and mitigation, schedule analysis, estimating, and cost control planning. These services, when paired with our technical service offerings such as vendor and consultant drawing reviews, can provide a full owner's engineering solution as well.
Everyone knows how important construction is, but not everyone knows how to decode the industry jargon or ask the right questions to identify problems that are lurking just under the surface.
Don't let your project drown in issues that never show up in your weekly project reports. Bring in professionals who have made a career out of ensuring projects are built correctly.
We can provide on-site resources, in varying capacities, to provide the support your project needs. We have experts in field engineering, schedule management, and cost analysis. Our team can provide whatever amount of oversight your project needs from being a hands-on leader for the integrated project team or just reporting on progress and performance so you can sleep better at night.