RNG & RCO2 From Landfill Gas

This scope consisted of a detailed technical review conducted supporting due diligence for a project where landfill gas (LFG) was extracted via an existing system. The extracted LFG was then to-be-processed and converted to renewable natural gas (RNG) and renewable carbon dioxide (RCO2). The facility was powered using the LFG itself and ran independently of the electrical grid. The majority of the project equipment was to be located adjacent to a current landfill, except for gas storage in the existing extraction area. The project team reviewed composition data and provided guidance regarding the likely LFG yield and chemical makeup data. An existing FEED package prepared by another company was reviewed based on the technical merit and quality of the engineering developed. Finally, a full permit review, including an analysis of what future permits would likely be necessary, was completed. This full technical review was conducted in a short period to help the potential investor reach a more informed investment decision.

Puerto Rico, USA
Previous Experience
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Due Diligence
Team Members Involved
RL Simpson, PE
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