This $150 million scope consisted of conceptual engineering, front-end engineering, and detailed design to meet an issued environmental consent decree at three similar yet unique metallurgical coking facilities...
This effort included the front-end engineering, detailed design, and construction oversight to convert all machine DC motors and drives to AC power. The PIVs were also replaced with AC motors.
This scope consisted of multiple layers of support for the re-development of a 48 MW biomass-fired power plant that had been moth-balled in the middle of the initial construction process. As the project found new life...
Isomer provided detailed design for a $6 million battery storage project to enhance grid stability by providing additional capacity during times of peak consumption for the city utility.
This effort included the detailed design, material procurement, construction planning and construction management for a $3 million brownstock washing system upgrade.
Detailed design and engineering services for a $45 million containerboard machine rebuild project at an existing facility featuring a new shoe press and an iTable to replace the existing top-wire former.
Detailed design, procurement, and construction for a $100 million fly ash, bottom ash, and pyrites handling and transport conversion EPC project to meet Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) environmental regulations.